Saturday, February 19, 2011

Higher Education

Wow! It’s been a long time since the Kissin’ Couple has had an update! I would love to tell you it’s because Steve and I have been on a fantastic, three-month cruise, touring the world, soaking up the traditions of some exotic culture. Not quite. Well, except for the culture part. Steve and I have enrolled ourselves in “The Lifestyle of the High School Student 101” and “How to Speak Conversational English with Your Teenager.” The classes are being taught by our son. It has been enlightening, let me tell ya. Naturally, we have anticipated these courses since we have been on the waiting list for 15 years. Being the smarty pants that we are, we felt that we were more than ready for this. I mean we have DEGREES from actual universities that state in a very fancy font that we are qualified to teach. This is just a simple little continuing education class, right?! WRONG! We have had awesome advisors who have told us that these classes are lengthy and tough, but worth it in the end. The professor is hard. I am fairly certain that he thinks that we qualify for Special Ed. We have been told numerous times that we don’t know anything. Steve and I have persevered, though. We seek counseling from a very wise Heavenly Father and consult our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth textbook on a continual basis. Steve and I are in it for the long haul. We have no choice. Andy brought in a guest lecturer earlier this week: his pre-teen sister. From that experience, I can only surmise that she teaches the graduate level courses.

1 comment:

  1. Katie,
    Your posts always crack me up! I can just picture the scenario in my mind as "Prof" Andy meanders through your house with 1000 valid reasons why he knows a better way to do "whatever" than your and Steve's "old fashioned, tried and true" method! Ah, well, it does your ancient aunt's heart good to hear that what goes around comes around...(remember "But, but, there's always a but" days???)It really wasn't so long ago. . . and it causes me to ponder... King Solomon had it so right when he reminded us all that "there is nothing new under the sun..." :)
